Empty hangers

Last night I stayed up late watching Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things. I am very new to the minimalist movement, so I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was brilliant and thought-provoking. It really moved me.

I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning because my brain could not stop thinking about all the STUFF I have that I don't need. STUFF that adds no real value or meaning to my life. STUFF that I've been doing that benefits nobody and distracts me from more important pursuits.

Minimalism really inspired me and I encourage you to take the time to watch it. It will help you understand why this desire to rid my life of useless STUFF has become so important to me all of a sudden.

I went through my closet again today, freeing it of clothing and miscellaneous items that I never use or that don't add value to my life. I listened to the very first episode of The Minimalists Podcast while I worked. I really like those guys - Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. They come across as genuine - there's nothing fake about them. It's great to hear about their experiences and practical ideas for living with less. I look forward to listening to the rest of the podcasts.

As I removed more STUFF from my closet, I seemed to get into a zone. I didn't agonize over whether to keep certain items or let them go - I seemed to just know what I wanted to keep and what I didn't.

The results speak for themselves.

Several belts, neckties, shirts, pants, a suit, and even 2 tuxedos. I also had a "junk box" full of odds and ends that I've lugged with me from place to place for...wow...it must be nearly 20 years? I kept a small number of items, put some others into a sack to take to Deseret Industries. I threw away the rest because, while it may have held some sentimental value for me, it was not worth even donating to charity.

And keep in mind, I took a trash bag full of clothes to the DI last week!

Why did I keep all this STUFF in the closet where I never saw it, used it, or even thought about it?

The photo of the empty hangers is one I snapped after this latest purge (most of those will be going to the DI, too). I love that picture. It's symbolic to me of just how much STUFF I've surrounded myself with that just takes up space and how liberating it can be to let go of things.

Are you ready to join me? Let me see your photos of empty hangers!


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